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For the board of directors of Samsung SDI : TRIZ for Creative Management

 Hongyul Yoon, CEO of TRIZ Center, delivered a lecture, 
   "TRIZ for Creative Management" 
 for the board of diretors of Samsung SDI, 10th of Jan., 2009.

 He talked about "how to make innovation happen systematically through OTSM - TRIZ", 
 which was based on ideas of Nikolai Khomenko.

 Problem description transformation, contradiction formulation were introduced with real innovative cases.

 Over 70 directors including Soontaek Kim, CEO of Samsung SDI joined the lectures with interesting questions.   

 TRIZ Center hoped it was a good help for Samsung SDI to accelerate and systematize innovation.
 The TRIZ team of Samsung SDI prepared all things for this valuable time and
 deserved our deep gratitude.

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